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区别于以往高管信念对高管参与的影响研究,针对CEO与CIO特定代理关系,构建信念、关系、制度的高管支持细分模型,借鉴组织信任理论研究高管支持中信任的作用机制,运用偏最小二乘法和应用信息系统1年以上的118家企业数据对理论模型进行检验.实证结果表明,CEO对CIO的信任对CEO关系型参与有显著影响,但对CEO制度型参与的影响并不显著,且CEO制度型参与比CEO关系型参与对IT应用水平的提升效应更强,CEO对CIO信任的部分中介效应验证并强化了CEO信念作为高管支持行为来源的重要性.研究结果表明,并非高层的所有参与行为都会对企业信息化产生直接影响,只有高层管理者制度型参与才对企业信息化发展具有持续性影响,CEO信任CIO并未增强所有CEO参与行为,其仅对CEO关系型参与构成影响.  相似文献   
董事会特征与总经理变更   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
本文以在上海证券交易所1999年前上市的公司为样本,研究董事会特征等治理变量对总经理变更的影响。研究结果表明,对相对业绩下降公司的总经理变更能起到显著解释作用的变量只有董事会会议的次数和公司的领导结构。而其它治理变量,诸如董事会规模、管理董事比例、独立董事比例、股权集中度、董事会成员持股比例等,未能对总经理变更起到显著的解释作用。  相似文献   
上市公司总经理更换、高管团队重组与企业绩效改进   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文针对以往总经理更换理论研究存在的关键问题,特别是对高管团队重组现象的忽视,构建了新的理论假设,并利用中国上市公司数据进行了检验.研究发现,总经理被迫离职时企业绩效呈现改进之面貌,但常规离职时无此效应;国有控股阻碍了企业绩效改进而内部董事则反之,且在总经理被迫离职情况下,前者负效应减弱而后者正效应增强;总经理是否为竞争者继任对企业绩效改进无显著影响,而选择外部继任对其有显著负面效应;总经理更换后的高管团队重组总体上不利于企业绩效改进,但受到继任类型的调节作用,在外部继任情形下消极影响尤为明显,而对竞争者继任则具有积极作用.  相似文献   
This study examines the implications that CEO age has onexecutive pay regarding data collected in a UK setting. Whereprior research has typically focused on total pay (salary plusbonus), this study offers a more complete conceptual model bysplitting pay into salary, annual bonus, and share options. Indoing so, we found that the relationship between CEO salaries andage are significantly related with this association weakeningover time. Another interesting finding not captured by priorresearch was that the relationship between CEO age and bonusappears to be non-linear in nature. Figures 2 which depicts thisnon-linear function suggest at about age 53, the proportion ofbonus as a percentage of salary begins to decrease at anincreasing rate. As a whole, these findings suggest corporate paycommittees should consider family and the financial circumstancesof the executive when designing remuneration schemes.  相似文献   
将制度设计与心理因素引入微观企业技术创新的研究领域,基于中国A股上市公司数据,从行为金融学视角实证检验了投资者情绪对于企业创新投入影响的存在性及影响渠道.实证结果显示:投资者情绪对企业创新投入存在显著正向影响,管理者过度自信是投资者情绪影响企业创新投入的不完全中介渠道,相对于开发式创新,投资者情绪所“塑造”的管理者过度自信对于企业探索式创新投入的影响更为显著;进一步的研究发现,相对于政府控制的上市公司,投资者情绪对于企业创新投入的影响在非政府控制的上市公司更为显著.研究结论深化并拓展了行为金融学理论中主体情绪在公司投资领域的研究范畴.  相似文献   
股东在面对具有行为偏差的经理时,如何设计剩余收益作为激励指标,以促使双方的目标一致,一直是学界和实务界关注的一个问题。如果股东继续沿用传统的基于公司资本成本率计算得到的剩余收益,将使得损失厌恶的经理投资不足,过度自信的经理投资过度。为了改进投资决策,股东需要针对不同行为特征类型的经理设计较公司资本成本率更低或更高的激励相容资本成本率,以有效激励经理做出符合股东利益的投资决策。  相似文献   
This paper takes a contingency approach to investigate whether there are market performance variations for different types of M&A. Eight different types of M&A are identified in a typology based upon the conjunction of three contextual dimensions: external environmental, acquiring firm level strategy and CEO motivation. Drawing upon a sample of 1,926 domestic UK deals we evaluate the typology to determine whether the financial markets distinguish between different types of M&A. Results indicate significant market and risk-adjusted performance differences by M&A type. These confirm that a contingency approach to M&A performance has merit. We suggest that the proposed integrated typology, that recognizes the importance of multiple aspects of strategic fit to M&A performance, addresses the paradox that M&A practitioners continue to pursue deals despite widespread acceptance that they result in high failure rates.  相似文献   
从理论与实证角度分析了CEO开放性特征对战略惯性及组织绩效的作用机制,得到以下研究结论:第一,CEO开放性程度越高,组织越倾向于采取适应环境的动态资源配置战略,从而组织的战略惯性程度越低;第二,CEO的股权拥有程度和自主权高低程度对其开放性程度与组织惯性之间关系起到显著调节作用,即CEO持股水平越高则开放性CEO维持组织战略现状的动机越强,而CEO所拥有的管理自主权越高则越倾向于去打破组织的战略现状;第三,组织制度环境对CEO开放性程度与战略惯性之间关系同样起到显著的调节作用,在国企任职的CEO相对于家族企业任职的CEO而言,其开放性程度对组织惯性的负向影响程度更小;第四,相比于线性关系,倒U型假设更有助于解释战略惯性与组织绩效之间的关系。  相似文献   
Scholars have suggested that we need to further investigate the antecedents of ambidexterity at the top executive level. We develop a motivational perspective on organizational ambidexterity proposing that the different types of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) goal orientations (learning, approach and avoidance) may facilitate or hinder ambidexterity, and that these effects are conditioned by the level of environmental dynamism. Using a sample of 156 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), we find a positive effect of CEO learning goal orientation on ambidexterity, which is strengthened as environmental dynamism increases. Further, we show that CEO approach goal orientation negatively affects organizational ambidexterity and this effect increases in highly dynamic environments. Finally, CEO avoidance goal orientation is negatively related to ambidexterity only when environmental dynamism is high. These results have important implications for our understanding of CEOs’ motivational characteristics in relation to ambidexterity under diverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   
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